Cover Spotlight: Turtle in a Tree

PB Debut Troupe 21 is delighted to shine a spotlight on the cover of TURTLE IN A TREE (Dial Books), which publishes May 11, 2021.

Dapper, wry and wagging with suspense, this comical cover puts friendship and conflict on the same charming landscape. Join us in congratulating Troupe member and author-illustrator Neesha Hudson on the fun-filled look of her debut picture book, TURTLE IN A TREE.

Check out it out!


Neesha revealed the cover of TURTLE IN A TREE with John Schu on his fabulous book blog. (Click here to read her interview with Mr. Schu!) Now, let’s hear more about TURTLE IN A TREE from Troupe member Neesha Hudson:

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TURTLE IN A TREE is about two dogs looking at the same thing, but seeing something completely different. Greyhound announces there is a “turtle in a tree,” while Bulldog says it must be a squirrel. After all, a turtle in a tree? That’s ridiculous. The story follows the two dog’s back and forth until the answer of what is in the tree is finally revealed. Who is right and who is wrong? And how do the characters react when they realize they might not have had the correct answer after all?

For the cover, I wanted to have the dogs on opposite sides of the tree to emphasize their opposing views. Along with that, the tree is front and center on the cover as it is the center element throughout the story. We placed the title in the middle of the tree to mirror the text “in a tree.” My publisher thought it would be fun to add the speech bubble “A turtle…in a tree?” to the cover to immediately bring up the main question in the book and also show a bit of Bulldog’s personality.

My hope is that this book reminds people to have an open mind when it comes to other’s views. That sometimes other people aren’t all the way right, but sometimes neither are you. Open conversation and understanding one another is vital, and my goal was to convey this in a way that was fun, without being preachy.

Want to support Neesha and her debut book? Let us count the ways…

  1. Pre-order TURTLE IN A TREE today!

2. Mark Neesha’s debut as “Want to Read” on Goodreads!

3. Keep up with TURTLE IN A TREE by following Neesha on social media:

Twitter: @NeeshaHudson

Instagram: @neeshas_art


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